Friday, March 25, 2011

The Days Ahead

Today is going to be a busy day... I have to figure out Lucy's departure, come up with a list of her favorite foods and such and it all makes me realize one important fact... that more than likely at this time next week, Lucy will be living in another home and yeah, the tears come to my eyes... I am so thankful and Christy and Lucas are taking her in and giving her the love she needs to flourish but at the same time, I am saddened because I broke my promise to her—the promise that whatever comes into my home stays here. I realize that it's neither of our faults, we're not a good mix, but it still does not make it easy...

As the days ahead approach, I am gonna do my best to keep focused on the light at the end of this tunnel, realizing that a new day will be here for all of us, and that day will be a better one.

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